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1871 Scotland Census Search

The 1871 Scotland Census database contains information on over 4,400 Blair living in Scotland in 1871.

The database can be searched by name, estimated year of birth, place of birth county of residence in 1871, and/or parish of residence in 1871.  After getting the initial search results you can view the record to get more information on the indivdual including Sex, Age, Address, and Occupation and find others living at the same address.

Search Tips: The search will match names beginning with the letters you type in the appropriate name fields. If you type in "Robert" it will find all names beginning with Robert including Robert, Roberta, but NOT Rob. Use as few letters as necessary. Many first names are abbreviated. William may also be listed as Will, Wm, etc. County and parish are selected from a list. Counties are listed in alphabetical order and include the number of possible matches in [ ]. Parishes are listed in alphabetical order and include the number of possible matches in [ ] and the county { }.

Fill in as many of the fields as you wish. ALL entries you enter must be matched.

For best results click on the RESET button before filling in the form.

The information provided in this database was extracted from online sources and  converted into a database for my personal use. During this conversion the data was manipulated to get it into a format suitable for my use. This data is provided for information purposes only. I make NO CLAIMS as to the accuracy of this information.

Estimated Birth Year (EBY):
Place of Birth:
Select 1871 Resident County:
Select 1871 Resident Parish:  

This Website was last updated 04/01/2015

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